The Father loves the son . . .

Giving from
the Heart

His thoughts, words, prayers and worship were all focused on the Father.

God Moves Through Our Giving

Or text “GIVE” to 610-798-3736

Giving to Expand His Kingdom

We believe generosity is a form of worship. We love to display our gratitude and devotion to God through tithes and offerings from the blessings God has placed in our hands.

Tithes & Offerings

Those who call Family Life Community Church their home church, regularly give a tithe to the Lord. The word “tithe” means “tenth” and it is a way of honoring God with the first 10% of our income.

Simple and Secure

Give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card. All donations go toward Family Life Community Church’s mandate to ‘Go into all the world.’

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